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The Virtual Resident Brazil + Swiss Innovation Hub will connect you to the largest ecosystem in Brazil-Switzerland, bringing opportunities, generating Human Capital and its role and the challenges of the 4.0 innovation environments.

Opportunities: to generate value and new business for your company.
Open Innovation: innovation ecosystem as instruments for transforming traditional industries.
Financing: bringing new sustainability models to innovation environments.
Cities: innovation ecosystems as levers for sustainable human development.
Technology: the role of innovation environments for generating solutions in the new global dynamic.
Wherever you are, we connect your company to the world! A world of options, tools and opportunities in one network

Mentoring Program

Your company logo in our online events and on our website

Discounts on events and products closed by the hub

Access to a Brazil Switzerland connection network

Connection with large companies in Brazil and abroad

VIP access to events and the HUB room online

2 Tickets for participation in the Virtual Trade Mission Brazil - Swiss

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